Indian Believers Ministries





What  is our Sunday Service like?

‘JOY of the Lord is my strength’- that is the one word to describe our Sunday Service. Why do we say that? We believe that a person may come in to our service burdened by some worry, hurt or shame, that person will not go back without being filled with joy—not earthly happiness, but filled with the joy of our Lord God Jesus Christ.

“My House will be called a House of Prayer for all nations”- Prayer is our lifeline and we come together as the Body of Christ and intercede for all needs that have been made known to us.

“Sing a new song to the Lord” - Our worship team provides a perfect runway which enables our congregation to lift-off and be in the presence of the Holy One Jesus Christ.  Our worship team comprises of people who God has blessed with multiple talents which they use to glorify His name. Its not a performance but as an act of worship.

“Enter His courts with thanksgiving”- We encourage sharing of God’s goodness in our lives and the lives of our loved ones with the extended family. Being a small church we have the advantage of being heard and spoken to personally. All glory is given to God.

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet” - Finally, we look into the Word of God through a message delivered by our pastor or our leaders or an invited guest speaker. 




We understand the importance of introducing the love of Jesus to children in their young days. We believe that the Word planted in their hearts will take them a long way. The Word will not only direct and guide their life, but it will guard their hearts from the temptations of Satan , and thus they will lead a life which is pleasing to God.

While, currently there are few children, God has equipped us with trained teachers who can take care of the children who come with their parents to attend our church service. Bible based teaching is imparted to the young ones through story telling and fun filled activities.

Listen to what one of our church family member says about the importance of teaching the children about Jesus.



Cells may be smallest particles of our body, but they are vital part to our existence. Without them, we will not survive. True to the name of our small group meetings, our “Cell Groups’ are just like cells in our body. They survive together and grow together, making the body stronger. 

We meet in smaller cell groups in homes where a targeted bible study is conducted. Its a place where people open their hearts and share their fears and pains without fear or hesitation. Whatever personal information is shared in these Cell Groups is kept completely confidential.

Cell Groups are conducted in the evenings of working days (Thursdays and Fridays) and are usually for 90 minutes. All are welcomed, however pre-intimation would be appreciated.

Listen to what one of our church family member says about the importance of attending a Cell Group.




In line with our Vision and our Mission Statement, we follow an attitude of outward reaching church. We look for opportunities where we can introduce the love of Jesus Christ to the lost. We encourage two types of Evangelical Outreaches-

Outward looking outreaches :  We visit old age homes, handicapped people homes, hospitals, poor people living on the streets, etc. We not only share food, clothes and gifts with them, but we also share our love with them.

Inward looking outreaches : We hold special evangelical meetings commemorating occasions like Christmas, Easter, Indian Independence Day, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, etc. Here we invite people to come and be part of our celebrations, and be able to feel the love our our Father God. 

Listen to what one of our Church Family member says about our outreaches.
